Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tuesday, December 9!

Tuesday I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with the first grade classes. We thought that we were suppose to take small groups of children around, but The Met wanted us in groups of 15 to take guided tours. New York field trips are interesting because all the children are so bundled that museums and other places that host school trips have big rooms devoted solely to holding large rolly containers that all of the children pile their coats and winter accoutrements into. By the time that is all taken care of there is about 20 minutes left. My group was first taken past the large statues of naked men (that is quite something for 1st graders) then we went into a furnished room of King Louie the 14th, or something. Booooring. By the time we got there we had 20 minutes left of the field trip and we hadn't even seen what we went to see! Which was the Angel Tree, which is lovely. It was my 3rd time seeing it. 
On the way to The Met in the big yellow school bus, as we were stopped in traffic on 5th Ave. we luckily stopped RIGHT in front of where they were tapping Gossip Girl!! Luckily I was able to whip out my camera in time to get the backs of Penn Badgley and Blake Lively. 

Then that night we had our first snow of the winter. It was actually sticking too! This picture is from the next morning in our "front yard".

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Last Night

     This will be my last blog from the really uncomfortable spot at the end of Alissa's bed.  I leave tomorrow, but there may be more to write about for a few days.  
    On Sun. we went to church at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine.  7 years ago they had a big fire & half of the church & the organ have been closed.  They reopened it last Sun. & blessed it for almost 3 hours.  Every high- up in the church from around was there.  Even Hillary who spoke briefly.  You had to get special tickets to get in!   They honored the firefighters & then put them to work when a bishop or someone up near the altar had a problem & people were all huddled around him.  They wheeled him out later.  Huge stone church got really, really cold after a few hours.
    Tonight, a roommate got tickets to a men's choral group performing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  They sang right in front of the huge angel tree & Alissa sneaked a few pictures!
The group was called Chanticleer from San Francisco - supposedly world famous!
    I leave tomorrow very early.  Suitcases weigh a ton, & I sent boxes.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Great Mom Quotes

"I'm really looking forward to going home so I can take care of myself again."

"I was thinking it would be nice to be hit by a car so that I could rest in the hospital." 


Here are more shots of Martha's set.  She answered a couple of questions at the end.  She had on the most boring shirt - probably hideously expensive.  The audience was supposed to dress nicely & in bright colors for the camera, then she wears this!  


We went to see Martha today!!!  Kristin Chenoweth was the guest & Martha made her sew on a machine.  She had never done it before & she had to stand while sewing.  It was rather funny.  The set was really large & Christmasy.  We got a CD of Christmas songs by Kristin, a cookbook of desserts & M&Ms.
Later, we went to see Spring Awakening on Broadway.  Alissa read it was set in the late 1800s & I was feeling sleepy.....  Well - the songs woke us right up.  Every not-talked-about situation you can think of (well almost) occurred from beatings, incest, sex (both) to suicide and abortion.  The music was really current & upbeat.  There was an entire song about the f word.
It was really done well.
     I have a new blister on my little toe & perhaps one on the bottom of my foot.  This child of mine can really walk my legs & feet off.  I will post more pictures.

Monday, December 1, 2008

More Parade

Buzz was new this year.  The "regulars" around
us seemed to be very pleased with the way he was depicted.
The poodle next door - Monty - is rough-housing with a friend & making growly noises.  It is making me miss LuLu a lot right now.  We can hear them through the walls.  That's right.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Things I have learned in NYC:
     Hi Emily, Ann, Judi & Barbara
     1.  Backpacks do not work as a purse here.  I have to swing it off my back to sit on the bus or subway then swing it back on when exiting.  Not easy in very crowded spaces.  Across the body purses or bags work best.
     2.  If you are native to SoCal, you may not be equipped for cold weather.  Thank goodness for Emily's jacket, because it keeps me really warm.  However, when all bundled & scarved up, it isn't easy to zip.  I find I have to ask Alissa to "zipper" me up - just as her first graders at school do.
     3.   Using a Metro card is not as easy as it might look.  First there are the gloves, the awkward getting it out of somewhere, & the sliding or inserting it .  Alissa says this just sounds soooo dirty!!!!  I usually let her hold mine & produce it for me as needed.  She's such a good mom.
    4.  Then there is camping at her house.  I swear the little room with the toilet looks like an outhouse!  I managed to soak myself turning on the shower the first time - it is barely big enough to turn around.  But it's free!!!!
    That's all.  Love to everyone,  
                                    the Pirate Mom


Smurf balloon being blown up & the next day at the parade flying down the street.  Just to the left of flying smurf, you can see a smidge of grey hair from the jerky, really tall man who pushed himself in front of us after we had been standing there an hour.  He had an equally tall friend who stood next to him.  They are in most of the pictures because they didn't move!!!!.  Fortunately, the balloons were high, & that was the best part.  We had Thanksgiving dinner in Central Park at Tavern on the Green.  They had an occupancy sign that stated there could be no more than 1,250 people at one time (or some rediculous number close to that).  It sounds like a convention hall!!  There were rooms of people all over.  The decor was amazing.  Silver and copper everywhere, huge chandeliers, sparkling trees & lights.
     Sadly, I think I lost my camera tonight along with the pictures.  We will call tomorrow, but I am not hopeful.  We were watching the Bacon Brothers sing & took a camera video for Emily, and no one knows where the camera went.  Kevin probably swiped it.

We went to see the Rockettes on Monday.  First we had hot dogs off a cart on a corner near here & I had to take a picture.  Inside, they also had hot dogs, popcorn, watery hot chocolate & expensive souvenirs.  We sat really close to the stage.  The orchestra pit raised up & down.  The dancers were fantastic.  There was a Nativity at the end with real camels, donkeys, sheep, amazing costumes.  Sadly, I think all my photos were blurry.  Maybe Alissa got some.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Hurrier I Go...

the behinder I get.  I am soooo far behind right now, but here goes.  Felicity's workplace.  I have had 2 beverages from here & both were horrible.  The second time, it was barely warm.  I am so over this store - give me a Starbucks any time.
Now we have the tree at Rockefeller (that looks so wrong) Plaza.  It is being decorated & later in the week we saw the scaffolding coming down.  Up close, the tree looks rather wilted and sad.  But that was during the day & up really close.  It was also Wed. when we went to the Today Show & Beyonce was on.  Couldn't even get close enough to see any of her, but we did see the back of the set & got to hear a song so I'm good.  I also saw the back of Matt & Meredith & their teleprompter.

All by myself.........

   Here is a better picture of the poodle tree.   This will probably be the only picture because my laptop with all the pictures will not work tonight in the little corner of the bedroom where it will only work.  Today was much warmer - I only needed 3 layers for most of the day.  Now it is raining out.
     Alissa went off to work this morning & I headed down to Macy's alone on the subway.  This can be really claustrophobic during busy times.  Got off at Penn Station - huge place.  It took me ages just to follow exit signs & get up to street level!  Macy's wasn't open yet, but I got to see Harold Square with all the cameras getting ready for Thurs.  One of Alissa's roommates said they just unveiled their Christmas windows last night.  I think I saw them today, but I didn't even think they were very cute!  Not nearly as cute as the poodle tree!!!  I miss LuLu!!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday at the Library

NOT!!!!  The interns are having a meeting this afternoon, so I
went to the library.  Not open on Sunday.  Of course.  I forgot my phone and metro card, so I returned to the church to sit downstairs
and do this.  Which, by the way, is about my fourth try to get it
somewhat right.
    Yesterday, at Macy's, everyone was taking pictures of this big
ball. No one could get by.  Turns out -  are you ready for this - it's
the Waterford crystal ball that drops in Times Square on New Year's Eve.  I got to see it up close - amazing!!!!

This a window at Macy's.  They were all from Miracle on 34th Street.  Some stores still had their windows covered, so I don't know if these are early or what.  It is 24 outside.  I definitely owe my warmth to Emily's jacket and Barbara's scarf and hat.  Many thanks.   The Mommy

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Alissa is not alone

     The Mommy has landed, and I have pirated this blog for the next little while.  And believe me, it isn't easy to blog.  I have to sit at the end of Alissa's bed with the computer up against the wall and hurry before the connection ends.  Anyway, I had the smoothest flight ever.  This morning we had brunch at this really cute little tea shop with Becky, one of Alissa's friends back here.  

Then she walked me all over NY.  These are snowflakes at Columbus Square.  The bright white dots on the pink ones are when it snows - every 10 minutes or so.

We went to Macy's today - huuuuge.   It has all the stuff ours does
but 20 times more brands and styles.  The top floors still have the
original wooden escalators, and they get narrower the higher up
you go.  Really cool.  Also, I'm not sure you can tell, but that is a
POODLE tree - yes really!!!!  Tomorrow we see the Rockettes!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Laundry Day!!

Doing laundry in New York is quite the experience.
I live in the ONLY hilly part of Manhattan which means that either laundry mat (there are 2 closeish) is an uphill walk not only lugging a full laundry bag but also soap, fabric softener, possibly bleach, and various things to entertain myself while I wait for 2 hours!!!!

 I don't mind doing laundry but it is such a hassle. Plus if you wait too long then you have too many clothes to carry and it's horrible. I usually do about 2-3 loads, I like to wash certain things separately, ANYWAY in one of my machines that I had started I looked over and saw my Burt's Bees Chapstick being washed.  Of course there is no way to open the washing machine and remove it so for the next 20 minutes I had to watch it and hope that the lid wouldn't pop off.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I am falling apart....

On Tuesday I had been sick for 2 weeks. I had a cold and cough that was in for the long haul. I went to the doctor after waking up Monday feeling worse than I had in the last 2 weeks.  I have an upper respiratory tract infection, so the doctor gave me antibiotics and some heavy duty cough medicine. Then Tuesday night my left eye started to become irritated and really goopy. Charming, I know. So I've been wearing glasses since then. Friday at 1:30 AM I woke up with an ear infection! I called in sick to work. Ridiculousness.
I have been resting in bed/ the apartment. It is rather boring. I watched movies, Season 1 of The Office, and I've seriously considered watching Pride and Prejudice for the 2nd time in 4 days.

THEN last night I had pizza for dinner. The very first bite I burned the ENTIRE roof of my mouth. It has since then all decided to peel off. 
Seriously, what is wrong with me?
I need my mommy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Plaza

Last night we went to Election Plaza.
It was pretty crowed and really exciting there. NY is a blue state and every time Obama would get electoral votes the crowd would go crazy.  I got goose bumps, it was so exciting to be there on the verge of history.

Rockefeller ice skating rink that was turned in to a map of the US.
The Obama cart led the way! Whenever a candidate would get Electoral Votes the cart would go up and the numbers would change. 
We left around 10:30, when we got off the subway in Harlem people were shouting and horns were honking. We thought he won CA...we asked and we found out he WON!!!

Harlem went absolutely crazy! Earl rang the church bells at midnight for 2 minutes. I went to bed hearing people celebrating, horns honking, fireworks being set off.  It is great! America is moving forward! A black man for president! I. LOVE. IT.

This morning on my way through Harlem to work I felt the mood was happy and hopeful.

Rosa sat, so Martin could walk…
Martin walked, so Obama could run…
Obama is running, so our children can FLY!

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Kids Pick....

Barack Obama!!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oodles of Poodles

Oodles of poodles rescued from Queens home
Friday, October 24th 2008, 1:34 AM

Nearly three dozen filthy miniature poodles with matted coats were rescued Thursday morning from a Queens home where their elderly owners had been breeding and selling pooches.
ASPCA officials said the animals had not been abused, but that the overwhelmed owners had become unable to take care of them.
After negotiations between ASPCA workers and the owners, 33 dogs were removed from the house. The pooches are being treated at the ASPCA hospital in Manhattan.
Once they are shaved, bathed and evaluated, they may be available for adoption.
"They can be great pets, but it may take a lot of patience," said ASPCA Senior Vice President Gail Buchwald.
The couple, who were not identified, were at risk of losing their home, according to Buchwald.
"They were very attached to their dogs," she said. "In some cases, they sold them."
Buchwald said the dogs are a little skittish around strangers and have never been walked outside.
The ASPCA allowed the couple to keep the oldest of the dogs, which they had owned for several years.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Seattle Part 1.2

My plane left for Seattle at 7 AM. Which means by 4:30 AM I was sitting at the bus stop, with my neon pink carry on bag. To save money I decided to carry-on only. I had a brief layover in Chicago.
This is the Chicago airport bathroom. The seat had some sort of plastic on it. I think it was suppose to change plastic after every flush, but who knows. It was really disturbing. 
The Space Needle at night.
Shaunna and Devon. We went out to breakfast, and Lindsay told them it was okay to wear pjs. They were so embarrassed. 
We ate at the Library Bistro. It either was a library or it just looks like one. It was pretty cute.

The lady polishing the door handle was using Brasso, and Devon had to stop and ask her if that was what she was using. He is in the Marines and apparently he has never seen anyone other than a Marine use it.

Children Are Sponges.

Want to know who is going to win the presidential election this year? Ask a kid!

A Weekly Reader kid, that is.

More than eight million students have voted in the Weekly Reader Presidential Poll over the past 52 years. In 1992, the kids picked the wrong man: They named George Bush the winner over Bill Clinton. But in every other one of the 13 mock elections, the top eligible vote-getter among kids went on to become President of the United States.

The 2008 Weekly Reader poll is being managed by Zogby International, the world-famous public-opinion polling firm. Since September 22, teachers who subscribe to Weekly Reader and Current Events magazines have been conducting classroom elections. The teachers tabulate the class votes, then report the results to the Zogby team. Voting closes on Friday, October 24, at midnight.

On Wednesday, October 29, Zogby and Weekly Reader will jointly announce the winner. That’s less than a week before the actual presidential election occurs.

How accurate have Weekly Reader voters been lately? Well, over the past three elections the kids have been perfect. In 1996 they picked Bill Clinton, and in 2000 and 2004 they voted for George W. Bush. Both men went on to win the White House in November.

 Polls so far have shown the contest to be very tight. Want to know the verdict of Weekly Reader's voters? Check back here on October 29, when the 2008 survey results will be posted! Then compare those results with the tally on November 4. 

Will the Weekly Reader magic work again?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Seattle Part 1

Seattle makes me feel really homesick for California.

Someone come to New York and visit me.


Monday, October 13, 2008

For Judi :o)

On Thursday was Yom Kippur, so I had the day off of work. At Judi's request I went to view the New York Waterfalls. There are 4 of them and they are art instillation pieces. They are made from scaffolding because it is a common part of NYC's landscape and a reference to the city's continual physical transformation. 
There is a waterfall under the Brooklyn Bridge and one very near the Manhattan Bridge. I found a spot where I could see both of them and another one off in the distance. The 4th one is on an island and I was not able to see it.
# 1
# 2

# 3
 The Manhattan Bridge.

Friday, October 10, 2008

St. Francis of Assisi Day

This past Sunday was St. Francis of Assisi Day. Also know as the blessing of the animals day.
 At St. John the Divine Cathedral, they have a famous service every year. You have to get tickets in advance to even go to the church service. So after church elsewhere we went and watched all the animals come out of the service! In past years they have had elephants and circus animals. This year the biggest animal was a camel. 

That is a turtle being pulled in a wagon.


A sheep pulling a rabbit. So presh. 
The Bishop of York. There are doors at the cathedral that are only opened when he is there.