Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day! But most importantly Rebekah's birthday!

I have 2 best friends. Coincidentally they both have the same name, and live on opposite sides of the coast. I've always been stingy with the word "best friend", so when I say it, I mean it. Sort of how I also feel about giving hugs.

Rebekah is my soul mate best friend. OR heterosexual life partner.
I met Rebekah working at the summer camp that we both still run. The first time I officially hung out with her I was with my other best, Becky and all three of us went to see Shakespeare in the Park. The rest is history.

Rebekah and I have been friends for about 7 years (this July). Over the course of 7 years we have learned a ton about each other. We've cried, laughed, peed our pants ( of us. ahem), t.ped ("decorating"), gone on vacations, road trips, and countless other adventures. She is one of the most honest, loving, giving, and caring people I know. Whenever we are out, and one of us notices something about a person or thing around us, we tell the other person, and they've already seen it. We see the same things. We observe the same things. We laugh at the same things. To quote Blink 182, "I don't think she needs me quite half as much as I know I need her."

About a year ago Rebekah started dating a great guy. I felt extremely jealous that he was taking her away from me and threatened that I would no longer have my best friend around. Or that she wouldn't need me as a best friend anymore. Thankfully they are engaged now and I'm a great third wheel. Besides, she'll need someone to complain to about him, and talk about how much she loves Josh Groban. Sooooo December, 2nd bedroom? Good.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Tearing up. In the middle of the the library. Thanks a LOT. :P

Seriously, though. Heterosexual life partners is just about as close a description as it can get. And I love that we're basically the only people who will ever really understand that. That makes it even better.

Also, YES to the second bedroom. And Josh Groban. And still being soul mates. Cuz really... who else do I have in my life that I can just look at and we both know what the other one is thinking?
