Every year for Lent I decide that I am going to give something up. One year it was fast food. I did pretty well with that even when mom drove through the in-n-out drive through. Rude. One year it was deciding to not hit the snooze button. That one I did not do well with. I hit it the first morning the alarm went off. Then I reminded myself about an article I read that said the best sleep you get is between snooze button hits. Why deprive myself of that much needed sleep? This could also be the reason I let the alarm/snooze go off for practically an hour before I actually HAVE to be out of bed. Ridiculous. This year I was sort of over the whole idea of giving something up. You're suppose to give something up that takes time away from God and replace that activity with something that will increase your relationship with God. Two days before Lent someone on FB said they were giving FB up for Lent. The next day my good friend Courtney decided that she was also giving up FB. I knew in my heart of hearts that I needed to do that also.
First though, I need to give you a brief history of my relationship with Facebook.
I like FB. And by like I mean that I can spend 2 hours on FB and not even realize it. I'm also really good at FB. I'm too good at FB. The way FB works is that people put things online that they want you to know. If they didn't want you to know they wouldn't put it OR they would delete it. When I say that I am good at FB I mean that my friend can have 2 random comments on his wall from someone who I don't recognize as a normal contributor to his wall and I know that something is up. In fact this happened and of course I was right. He also told me I should work for the FBI. (Don't worry I looked into it already.) This friend of mine also knew that I would be looking and guessed I would ask about it within 4 days. It took me 2. I can't help it I'm curious AND observant.
I can hang out with my best friends and have entire conversations about things that have happened on FB. It's too much. I talk about FB comments ALLLLLLLL the time. It's too, too much. I've even had 2 separate dreams involving FB. ooooookay.
THEN people that I went to high school with add me as friends. I wasn't even friends with some of these people IN high school so the fact that they want to be FB friends OUT of high school is beyond me. It's been 9 years. I've been fine not knowing, I'll be fine now. But noooooo I accept their friend request. Then, of course I have to go their pages and compare my life to theirs. Married. Kids. Job. Me: 0.
Not only am I disgusted with the fact that FB is actually my only socializing, and I talk about it all the time BUT it also lowers my self-concept. I read an article on CNN.com that said that young adults were now having "thrisis". (http://articles.cnn.com/2010-11-09/living/generation.thrisis_1_somethings-social-networking-adulthood?_s=PM:LIVING)
The article basically says that people nearing 30 (me. ugggggh) are going through a mini crisis because we are on FB and comparing ourselves to our peers. Nailed that one. Like I don't already feel badly that I have no job, husband or kids, but now I have to see pictures and posts about people younger than me with all that. No thank you.
I've vacillated between deactivating my account or just leaving it. I can't decide. I've made FB such a part of my day-to-day life that I feel like I'd be missing out on so much if I deleted my account. Then again, maybe I wouldn't feel so badly about my lack of "traditional" adult milestones.
1 comment:
It's great to read your blog once more, it looks like most of us havn't blogged for at least a year, maybe you'll get us started again ..........
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