Friday, May 31, 2013


     I just got home from Pittsburgh where I was in my 5th wedding as a bridesmaid. Always a bridesmaid never a....killmenow. I don't enjoy weddings. I smile, and cry when appropriate and I feel the love, but I do not enjoy them.  Maybe it's a little of my own bitterness for not being married, but after 5 weddings I have learned that I don't want a wedding. They are a lot of work and a lot of money and all that attention, i'll pass.
     For a long time I wasn't even sure I wanted to get married. It seems so boring (based off observations, obviously). Like what do you do? Watch TV together, surf the internet sitting next to each other?  These are all things i'd rather do with mom, who is way more fun than most of my friends.
Again, this is mostly likely said because I haven't met a guy that I am interested in that level of bored intimacy with yet. More on Pittsburgh was fast and fun 72 hours.

With that being said I will be eloping.
Does eloping still count if it is pre-meditated?


And My Dog Has Gas said...
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And My Dog Has Gas said...

I felt exactly the same way. I didn't think I would ever find someone I wanted to wake up next to every morning and would never get married. Life is full of surprises. OXOXO