New York is an incredibly hard place to live. Especially when you are from southern California and the only weather you experience is some rain and wind. Needless to say I was very unprepared for life in a big city, or even a place that has actual weather.
Happiness is: was started because I needed to focus on the things in life that made me happy throughout the day. I was too focused on feeling sad and I needed to divert my attention elsewhere. My goal was to do one daily, and I do have happiness everyday, I just don't always write them down. I've been writing them down on FB, since I am not (ummmm) going on FB for Lent. I will continue them here.
104. Beauty and the Beast at the Pantages with Rebekah.
105. Fireworks on Rebekah's b-day.
106. Rainbows after the rain.
107. Mimosa Sundays with Tony and Courtney.
108. Pink sunsets
109. Fluffy puppies
110. Dodger seats in front row Loge.
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111. Beauty and the Beast Barbies at the Pantages.
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