Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happiness is:

I started Happiness is: after I moved back home from New York. I lived in New York for a year doing a year of service. Basically I lived in an apartment made for 1 with 5 people. I lived in poverty and I lived in an area where I was the minority. It was terrible and incredible at the same time.
New York is an incredibly hard place to live. Especially when you are from southern California and the only weather you experience is some rain and wind. Needless to say I was very unprepared for life in a big city, or even a place that has actual weather.
Happiness is: was started because I needed to focus on the things in life that made me happy throughout the day. I was too focused on feeling sad and I needed to divert my attention elsewhere. My goal was to do one daily, and I do have happiness everyday, I just don't always write them down. I've been writing them down on FB, since I am not (ummmm) going on FB for Lent. I will continue them here.
104. Beauty and the Beast at the Pantages with Rebekah.
105. Fireworks on Rebekah's b-day.
106. Rainbows after the rain.
107. Mimosa Sundays with Tony and Courtney.
108. Pink sunsets
109. Fluffy puppies
110. Dodger seats in front row Loge.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

111. Beauty and the Beast Barbies at the Pantages.