Sunday, March 7, 2010

One Time...

In college I had to take a Geology class. Once for a project we all had to meet early one Saturday morning on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) to look at rocks. Our teacher made us wear hard hats...I'm fairly certain for humility's sake. We also all had clipboards that had our research questions on them that we had to answer.

So there we are standing on the side of PCH with our hard hats and clipboards looking at rocks. Lots of trucks and cars started pulling up and loading a whole bunch of equipment. All of a sudden a really fancy car pulls up and out gets Mary J Bilge wearing this furry vest thing.
She was there we learned to film a music video. At the time our teacher was standing with his back to the ocean and we were facing him. Mary J was behind him and we were all much more interested in her than listening about rocks. So the teacher made us all turn so we were facing away from Mary J.

At 57 seconds is what we saw her filming. She is wearing a fuzzy vest and standing on rocks near the ocean.

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