I was lucky enough to have Friday off of work. I was invited to Coney Island with my friend Sarah, 2 of her roommates and 2 of their friends. It was a pretty nice day. It takes about an hour and a half to get there...it is the very last stop on about 3 different trains. I had heard that Coney Island was a bit shady, and now I know for sure. They had a whole bunch of freak show tents. You could pay 50 cents and see a 100 pound rat. No thank you. There was a game called, "Shoot the Freaks" where you use paintball guns and hit live human targets.
Naturally, we ate at Nathan's. I had a hotdog and Sarah and I shared cheese fries.
Look at all the hot dogs they have cooking at once! There were about 20 lines to order food in and all of them had quite a few people in them.
These pics are for my dad. He watches the hotdog eating contest every year.
The large count down clock to the hotdog eating contest. 22 hours to go! Please note: 1988 winner ate 13. The 2008 winner ate 59.

The Wonder Wheel. I wish I would have taken a picture of the man taking tickets to go up who was smoking on the job. Classy. I didn't go on any of the rides because they were all pretty expensive and it's not like I've never been on these exact same rides elsewhere.

View from the pier. The large buildings in the background are actually Public Housing apartments. Interesting, eh?
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