I am almost caught up on our trip. Today, Friday, we finally got to Liberty Island. We had two drizzly, grey days when we chose not to go there. So many people & soooo much security. It was like the airport except for keeping on your shoes - & that was just to take the boat over. To climb just to those windows on the base (near her feet), we had to go through a puffer machine. I had never heard of it before, but apparently some airports have it. You take off all jackets, belts,etc. then you stand in this box & air puffs you all up & down. It makes long hair fly up in the air. Really weird. Then you can't even go in the statue for security & safety reasons.
The Brooklyn Bridge was amazing. Emily got all the way out over the water with no problem. There were loads of people walking across. I had no idea it was such a popular thing to do. One half is for walkers & the other side of that white line by Emily is for bikes. The bikers are not happy if you are in their way!!!!
It was really beautiful today - warm (for NY). That meant we only needed 1 layer of coats. Emily has crossed almost everything off her to-do list because of our oh-so-efficient tour guide & task master.
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