Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Friends in NYC!

Court, me, Rebekah and Jessica in Times Square on Valentine's Day
Us on the Statue of Liberty island. Manhattan is in the background.
Here is us on the ferry that takes us to The Statue of Liberty and Rebekah is portraying a Russian grandmother in anticipation for our trip to Ellis Island.
Our reflection in the Jeff Koons flower.
Here we are eating yogurt on the steps of the Met like they do on Gossip Girl!
This is a little dancing on the Statue of Liberty Island.


And My Dog Has Gas said...

The dancing is FABULIOUS!!!! If you took off 6 or 7 layers of clothes, I wouldnt be able to tell the difference.

And My Dog Has Gas said...

I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between you & Beyonce's video.