Last night we went to Election Plaza.
It was pretty crowed and really exciting there. NY is a blue state and every time Obama would get electoral votes the crowd would go crazy. I got goose bumps, it was so exciting to be there on the verge of history.
Rockefeller ice skating rink that was turned in to a map of the US.
The Obama cart led the way! Whenever a candidate would get Electoral Votes the cart would go up and the numbers would change.
We left around 10:30, when we got off the subway in Harlem people were shouting and horns were honking. We thought he won CA...we asked and we found out he WON!!!
Harlem went absolutely crazy! Earl rang the church bells at midnight for 2 minutes. I went to bed hearing people celebrating, horns honking, fireworks being set off. It is great! America is moving forward! A black man for president! I. LOVE. IT.
This morning on my way through Harlem to work I felt the mood was happy and hopeful.
Rosa sat, so Martin could walk…
Martin walked, so Obama could run…
Obama is running, so our children can FLY!
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