This is our front door (from the inside). Very New York.

This is our kitchen with 2 mini fridges and 2 range stovetop.

The view from my bedroom. Lovely.

This is our stairwell. There is one step that is going to break anyday. Patrick has promised the person who breaks it $ 30. I still step over it.

The view from our dining room window. They drained the pool on Monday. No more lifegauards or children yelling until next summer. This is also the windowsill that I use as my desk. It gets the best internet reception. It also has the best breeze.

Our living room. We have a T.V.!

Our bathroom.

Our rooftop access. The latch is practically directly above the shower.

Our pantry, couch and calendar. Patrick has also written out our chores for the next month.

My bedroom from the hallway.

One side of my room.

From the other side. Not much to see. Room by Ikea. Stuffed poodle from my aunt. :o)

View from our front door.

Our dining room table. Taken from the front door.
WHAT! your not at the Hilton? ROFL thx for the home tour....i can see that the living conditions are gonna take an adjustment, but the rooftop BBQ sounds fun. It looks like lotsa walking, stairs and ladder climbing, definitely a work-out. The city pics look very fun, there's soooo much to see and do in the city, youll be a NYC girl very soon with a California heart :]
I love the door...so New york and the apt is a little different than CA ones. At least you will never get lost in your room...and get exercise from going to the store every day!
Maybe it has some charm that just doesn't show in the photos. At least your room has a window, and for goodness sake make sure you have smoke detectors!!!
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