This morning I woke up around 5 A.M. I had a few more things to put into my suitcase and other odds and ends I needed to do before I left for the airport. As I was getting ready to take my bags out to the car my mom and dad's whispering alerted me to something outside. I opened the door and there was a large Good Luck banner, balloons hanging from all the trees, and a chalk message in the street that said, "We'll Miss You". Well done, ladies! I loved it! After a tearful goodbye with my dad, my mom, LuLu and I all climbed into my car to begin our drive to the airport. I'm always nervous to fly by myself, so i was nauseous the whole way to the airport. We were also running a little late and I knew I wouldn't be at the airport the recommended 2 hours before so that added to my nauseousness.
We made it to the airport, I said goodbye to LuLu who was stuck in the backseat. Then my mom snapped attractive pictures of me crying as I was taking my bags out of the car. I went into the airport, checked my bags. One weighed 47lbs and the other 23 lbs. My large 80's, purple Quicksilver carry-on bag must have weighed another 20 lb, and my laptop bag with other things another 10. By the time I made it to my terminal my neck and arms were all red from carrying those 2. I made it through the Starbucks line and then it was time to board my plane. I was in the window seat. Never a good idea considering my track record with having to go to the bathroom all the time ( I did however only go once and had to straddle the lady on the end to get out. She was asleep...awkward).
On the plane they showed Made Of Honor. It takes place in New York so it felt fitting. My ear phone jack wasn't working so I used the girl's next to me....she was asleep also. After that I watched 4 episodes of Gossip Girl Season 1. It takes place in New York also....glorious! When you land in Newark, New Jersey you fly right by NYC and you see the Statue of Liberty! Both firsts for me.
After we landed I decided to use the bathroom. So I go in with my heavy purple 80's carry-on and set it on the floor (I know, but I had no other choice) and then my laptop bag on top of it. THIS IS WHERE IT GETS GOOD! I am putting a seat cover on the toilet (safety first) and I see the lady next to me kicking my bag with her foot. At first I was angry and then I heard her saying "toilet overflowing" only option...picking up the purple 80's duffle bag and setting it on top of the seat cover that was on the toilet. Thank God I still had my pants on. By then there was a line and half the bathroom floor was wet, so I opted to search for another bathroom. By the time I made it to luggage claim, I was so hot and sweaty. I ended up putting some of my carry-on items into my rolly bag to make it lighter.
Up the escalator to the NJ Transit kiosk where I purchased my one-way adult ticket to New Brunswick. I had to wait in a line for the airtrain elevator because the escalator was broken and no one could carry their large bags up the massive flight of stairs. I rode the airtrain to the end, then walked to the Amtrack Track 5 where I had to wait for my train. 40ish minutes on the train until I reached New Brunswick where Becky was waiting for me on the platform.
We got Pad Thai and took it to her friend's house that was having a meeting with ladies from their church. Then to Becky's house. I am so tired. Tomorrow I am going into Princeton (the town and possibly the college) with Becky. She has work so I will entertain myself at the Princeton library and Panera Bakery. Both have free wi-fi!
I feel like I am justing visiting Becky, but then I remember that I here for a while and I get a little sad.
I hope I am not forgetting anything.
I am so glad to hear that you are there safe and sound, but what an adventure you had getting there. Wednesday morning just wasn't the same without you. I almost bought your drink at Starbuck's when I realized you wouldn't be there. I look forward to reading all about life in New York. I am so jealous.
Oh, Aliss. I love the bathroom story. So great. I'm so proud of you for getting through all of those interchanges. I would have been freaking out. Love you! =)
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