Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Life on the Sub List 1st Grade

A first grader told me that I had an "elf ear".

1st grader: I want to kiss you.
me: Ohhhhh, no. That's okay.
1st grader: I know, i've just been thinking about it.

I turned around and one of the boys had colored his nose blue.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Life on The Sub List

I had to send a 5th grader to the principal. Don't worry he had already been there once today because they thought he started a fire in the bathroom yesterday. How does that even happen?

A 1st grader asked me for my "texting number" so he could text me later.

‎"If I see one more paper cell phone I am going to take it and make long distance phone calls with it. Making your phone bill really high."
-me to a class of 5th graders